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get a licence

It has just come to my notice that in order to listen to music in your car with more than one person costs ?60!

Oh dear. I do it a lot. So why have I never heard of drivers being stopped for playing the radio? Why do the PRS not stop cars with more than one person in and fine them to make them pay for a licence?

They are missing a trick there.


I went up the allotment at the weekend and took a few photos of me doing the bits and bobs.

As you can see I also set some seeds after soaking them. Sweet Pea if you want to know. They have already started to germinate and I think they will be well on their way to a good height sooner rather than later.


This is my blackberry bush – looking good for the future.


This is the Poached Egg plant, going to be ready for the bugs this year.




These last two are of the flowers in my garden. As you can see the t?te-a-t?te are coming through as are the crocus. I particularly like the crocus as they have an orange centre.


Diggin in the Dirt.

They tell me that digging now would be a bad thing. 🙁

I can safely say I agree with them.

It’s too cold! 🙁

Other than that, it means you are moving cold earth to the bottom and lifting warm earth to cool down.

I looked at the plot yesterday and took up some bags of manure ready for the spring, but didn’t do anything else.

I rarely see anyone else at the plots these days. It is quite eerie to be honest. While I like a bit of peace and quiet while I am gardening, I’m not sure I want to feel like the last person left alive. So it is always good to hear the roar of an engine as someone thinks they know better than planners who devise speed limits past the plot. At least I know someone is about.

I hope you had a good Christmas and are thinking about what to do for next year? The suppliers will be sending out seed potatoes soon, I’m looking forward to mine. 🙂


I decided to take some of my compost out this week. I have planting and re-potting to do.

As you can see it has come on nicely and is rich and going to give my seeds a good start. It is all peat free so that’s a bonus too.

It took a while to dig out as it was really compact in there. There were one or two big lumps, but nothing that wont continue to rot down, so I put it back in at the top and away we go again.

Grow Your Own.

I’ve not been active here of late as I am leaving the plot to its own devices for a while; but I thought I would mention that I saw a film over the Xmas period relating to allotments – “Grow Your Own”.

Below is a sort of review.

This is the sort of thing we have come to expect of British cinema trying to do comedy. there are no out and out gags or laughs, just wry smiles all round.

It’s a feel good film that doesn’t really pick up enough for me. But if you have an allotment you may well see plenty of truth in the characters.

Spinach Seed.

The constant wet weather has meant that the spinach has run away with itself. You’d think that it would slow down as it was so wet, but spinach likes it wet and bolts something rotten.

Here you can see a seed head.

spinach - click to enlarge

If you wanted to keep it down you would need to cut it every week – whether you wanted to eat it or not. At least you could compost it if you didn’t want to eat it.