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Mushroom Lawn

After rain, comes these sometimes.

Mushroom Lawn





Canterbury Bells

Allium Head

Canterbury bells

Canterbury bells


Dahlia is a genus of bushy, tuberous, herbaceous perennial plants native to Mexico and Central America. A member of the Asteraceae family of dicotyledonous plants, its garden relatives thus include the sunflower, daisy, chrysanthemum, and zinnia. Wikipedia


Here I am planting my Dahlias a couple of weeks ago. It was all last minute when I saw them on sale in a well known general store shop. The picture just called out to me and so I bought them and went home to plant them.

[media id=97]

You might think that I planted them a little too deep, and you would be right. So I went back the next day and re-potted them.

I will try to update you with their progress.


Eeek! I have just found a mouse in the composter. It scared the life out of me when I opened the lid. It ran off across the garden though and not up my leg!

It seems we have them at this time of year and the composter is their favourite haunt.

As long as they stay outside they are fine.

Back to my Roots

Roots are something that are interesting to look at no matter what. I suppose it is like looking at your own veins, if that were possible.



These roots were pulled up by the wind. Still dirty they hold together with their lifeblood – the soil.



This last weekend I spent an age digging out a very large boulder from the garden. It was about two feet wide and three feet long and weighed 10kg in the end. It took two of us to get it out of the ground and into the back of the car, the same at the tip.

I wasn?t overly impressed at the tip when told that it had to be put into the skip and not just dumped on the floor in the rubble section. I may be fit, but not to that extent. Eventually I managed to persuade someone to help and it went in.

Unfortunately after digging it out, I found another large slab of concrete another 10cms down. I decided not to bother with that at present as I had had enough of digging and my back hurt.

Pictures next time, but I was so knackered I forgot this time. Sorry.