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I actually grew these from seeds this year.



Someone bought me these for my birthday. I could not think where to put them at first, then it dawned on me they could act as scarecrows to keep the birds off my seeds.



Sweet Peas

Welcome to 2011. I know it’s early this year, but I have decided to focus on my garden a little more this year so need to get things in the grow house early.

I hope you take the time to join me on my new journey in gardening. You are most welcome.

So, I’ve begun the gardening year today with the sowing of my sweet peas. They are a free-flowering variety so should give lots of lovely blooms and as I have sown them early, they should start to flower early as well.

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Beans means vines

I have been saving these beans for seed, though I?m not sure I will be able to grow them next year due to work commitments. But, you never know, I might not be able to refuse the urge to get to the plot.


Planting Beans

Well today (Sunday) was a really sunny day and I went to the plot to plant my broad beans. They had been getting steadily bigger all week and I didn’t want them to get root bound in the pots. I know other allotment holders are worried about the frost getting their seedlings, but you have to take a risk sometimes and get them in.

I had a great time up there and shot a video for the site as well – more of that soon. Here are the photos:

broad beans

broad beans

I have also tidied up the strawberries this year as they will get out of hand if you let them. I curtailed their longing to grow across the path onto someone else’s plot and cut them back as they produce such a bumper crop I cant eat them all.


My blackcurrant bush is doing well and I hope to have some fruit from it this year.


The blackberry bush is not doing so well, but it has become established and will fruit this year.


As you can see my raspberry is coming on strong this year and I hope to be able to make a few things from it.



It has been a case of dodge the rain this bank holiday. I went up to the plot to plant potatoes and the heavens opened on me with hail. So I retreated after only planting a single row. I will have another go when its not so wet.

On another note, I had ants in my back garden a last year and then suddenly they went away. I now know where they went. They crawled in to the pot where my Azalea was. I wondered why it had not come on this year so decided to have a look at the roots.

What a shock I got when I did as there was a huge ant colony amongst the roots with eggs and everything.

I think the plant is dead, but I will try and recover it if it is possible.

Butternut Squash

I grew these Butternut Squash from seeds I took from a supermarket bought one. I didn’t for one minute think that I would be able to, but I was wrong, and happily so.

They have given me quite a lot of fruit so I am pleased all round. Squash is so good this time of year in soup and roasted with pasta.




Here are a selection of my pumpkins. I know they are not orange this year, but I do have a track record of growing green ones as well.

One of these was a seed planted from a pumpkin I bought in a supermarket! Well you have to try don’t you. 🙂





The broad beans are not doing so well this year. Some on an adjacent plot are about a metre tall, but mine seem not willing to grow more than 30 centimetres.

I have sown some more and will try a different position on the plot to see if they will grow better. This is the last of this seed so I may go for another variety next year.

broad beans


I planted these seeds last week as well. They are all good seeds for me and I usually get produce from every one. The lettuce are not tight hearts which makes them great shredded for salads.


If you pick the cauliflower early you get small sweet heads, but I am inclined to leave them until they are bigger to get a stronger flavour.


Peas Planting

This is me planting out the peas last week. As you can see they are the Kelvedon Wonder variety. They should be coming up in the next week or two and I will show you then how they look.






Peas in a Pod

I have gone and done it and planted peas this year. I am not trusting them to the soil as mice ate them last year. I have a cunning plan this year……..

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