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Canterbury Bells

Tomayto, Tomato

These were some tomatoes planted by the hotel. They were getting blight due to the salt water spray so I consulted with the owner to change the variety.


Rotting Tomatoes

I was asked to consult on tomatoes while on holiday. They could not grow fully, due to the climate and the closeness to the salt air of the coast. After some research I suggested a particular variety of tomatoes which could withstand the salt air. I’m now told there are tomatoes on the menu for the first time. I see another trip on my horizon.


Here I am planting my Dahlias a couple of weeks ago. It was all last minute when I saw them on sale in a well known general store shop. The picture just called out to me and so I bought them and went home to plant them.

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You might think that I planted them a little too deep, and you would be right. So I went back the next day and re-potted them.

I will try to update you with their progress.


Well, these are my strawberries this year. They are coming on nicely. This year they are in tubs as I am not doing the plot. I thought they might get a bit dry in the hot weather we had back along, but they managed to survive, even when I had to leave them for a week or two. As they are flowering so early I hope to be able to get two or three crops out of them if I am lucky. I will let you know.



These tete-a-tete daffodils are really pretty. They are small, but come in a clump and fill a space nicely. They are not your big waving variety which I think can be offputting at times as the wind will knock them over. These dwarf variety are close to the ground and so stand up well to our variable weather.


This is one of my alpines that flowers regularly. It is only about the size of a childs fingernail, but each flower is really intricate and pretty. I bought these many years ago and they have survived a few scrapes with hobnail boots scuffing them up. Something tells me they like where I have placed them, so I have left well alone.


The Hyacinth’s are out. They look beautiful as usual. I moved them last year and, as you do, forgot where I planted them, so it was nice to finally find out. 😉

Transplanting Strawberries

Here I am transplanting strawberries from the plot to home. I want to put them into some hanging baskets to provide an alternative to flowers this year.



I expect I will be surprised at how they deliver fruit. I’m hoping for a good crop. It will be nice, if a little indulgent to be able to lean out of the window and pluck a fresh strawberry to eat.

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Sweet Peas

Welcome to 2011. I know it’s early this year, but I have decided to focus on my garden a little more this year so need to get things in the grow house early.

I hope you take the time to join me on my new journey in gardening. You are most welcome.

So, I’ve begun the gardening year today with the sowing of my sweet peas. They are a free-flowering variety so should give lots of lovely blooms and as I have sown them early, they should start to flower early as well.

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My strawberries seem to not realise it is getting on towards winter. They were still flowering last week. I expect the frost this week will have put paid to them by now, but it is still nice to see a flower in this cold weather.



I am going to try and grow some in pots next year as I may not have enough time for the plot.

Beans means vines

I have been saving these beans for seed, though I?m not sure I will be able to grow them next year due to work commitments. But, you never know, I might not be able to refuse the urge to get to the plot.
