Entries Tagged 'Pests' ↓

Elephant Hawk-moth

Elephant Hawk-moth

Mushroom Lawn

After rain, comes these sometimes.

Mushroom Lawn

Elephant Moth Caterpillar

elephant moth caterpillar

Cat’s Dinner

It looks like the Cat found a way to supplement their food.

Cats Dinner

Cats Dinner

Gordon Gecko


Elephant Hawk Moth

Saw these on my path and lawn yesterday.


They are not pests, they wont eat your wool cardigan.


They pollinate, so try not to tread on them.


Rotting Tomatoes

I was asked to consult on tomatoes while on holiday. They could not grow fully, due to the climate and the closeness to the salt air of the coast. After some research I suggested a particular variety of tomatoes which could withstand the salt air. I’m now told there are tomatoes on the menu for the first time. I see another trip on my horizon.

Tomatoes South pacific style

These were an attempt to grow tomatoes in a tropical climate by the sea. Not a success with this variety, but after a bit of advice they have been growing them successfully now.

The New Leaf

This problem with the hosting site has given me the desire to start afresh with the site. I will leave the old links there for a while and may put the old photos back, but given there are over 1,000 images to replace it is a big job and I do not have the time at present. Perhaps in the future I will.

For the time being, the blocked image, image, is a sign of the lack of moral integrity of some company owners.


The House Martins are back; it has been lovely watching them spin and dive all over the sky eating insects. However, the Magpie’s are also back trying to catch them for their own food. There was an attack right outside my window and luckily the Magpie cannot turn as sharply and so had to break off their attack. It landed on the roof and the other House Martins all rallied round and hounded it by dive bombing it until it flew off in disgrace.

Hover Beetle two


Hover Beetle
