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Back to my Roots

Roots are something that are interesting to look at no matter what. I suppose it is like looking at your own veins, if that were possible.



These roots were pulled up by the wind. Still dirty they hold together with their lifeblood – the soil.


A Cat

This is a neighbour’s cat. He is quite a character and talks to you all the time. He also digs up my plants – bad boy!

 ted photo


I?ve not been slacking off just because I have not posted recently. I have been very busy of late adding to the garden and reshaping things here and there. I shall be showing you soon, when I am ready of course. Smile


This last weekend I spent an age digging out a very large boulder from the garden. It was about two feet wide and three feet long and weighed 10kg in the end. It took two of us to get it out of the ground and into the back of the car, the same at the tip.

I wasn?t overly impressed at the tip when told that it had to be put into the skip and not just dumped on the floor in the rubble section. I may be fit, but not to that extent. Eventually I managed to persuade someone to help and it went in.

Unfortunately after digging it out, I found another large slab of concrete another 10cms down. I decided not to bother with that at present as I had had enough of digging and my back hurt.

Pictures next time, but I was so knackered I forgot this time. Sorry.


I?ve been digging again, this time in the front garden. I got down to the about a foot and a half when I found the largest bit of rock. I dug and dug to try and find the edge, but gave up in the end as I just couldn’t find it at all!

What it is I don’t know, maybe I will have another go when I have more time. Still, at least I have turned the soil.


Well, this weekend I have been doing the compost. Every year I empty out the composter and sift through it to get the big lumps out and then use it for my planting and as a soil improver.

My garden is not the best soil, as it seems to have a hard base one spit down. So I try to improve the surface with my own compost.

I have also been fighting the ant as they have been trying to consume my Peony Roses. I think I have got on top of the ants before they ruined them, but it was a close run thing and now I am fighting a running battle all around the garden because as soon as I move them on from one of my plants they are trying to set up home in another one. Ant powder is my friend at the moment and I am using a lot of it.

On another note, I now have bees setting up home in the garden. That?s always good as it shows they like the garden for its flowers and they have decided to be near where they feed. I will keep an eye on them and see what they get up to over the summer.

Transplanting Strawberries

Here I am transplanting strawberries from the plot to home. I want to put them into some hanging baskets to provide an alternative to flowers this year.



I expect I will be surprised at how they deliver fruit. I’m hoping for a good crop. It will be nice, if a little indulgent to be able to lean out of the window and pluck a fresh strawberry to eat.

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Broad Beans


Here is the video from the weekend. It gives you a little more information about how I grow broad beans.

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I have had some time off today so I went to the plot and dug it up. I also dug up some of the strawberries as they were taking over the corner of the plot and the holder next to me was frowning at them a lot last week.

I also emptied out one of the composters as it was ready and I need the space to put more waste back in.

For some strange reason the sprouts didn’t grow this year. They got to about 3 inches and then just stopped growing. Shame, as now I will have to buy them from a supermarket.

I harvested the last of the butternut squash and have put them in the garage for safe keeping. I have found a nice recipe for them so will try it out next week.

Winding Down

It’s that time of year when most of the veg has grown and gone – well, to the store really so we can enjoy it later on.

So, today I have been grubbing up a line of strawberries that were encroaching on the plot next door. It’s also time to get rid of them as they only really last a couple of years before they stop fruiting as well as they could.

The weather has been really good which is a surprise for this late in September. However, I will take what I can get and have been out in the garden doing winter jobs as well. We have re-stained the garden furniture and scrubbed the fence of it’s weeds. This means that plenty of jobs have been done in good weather for a change.

That makes me happy.:)

Digging Up Potatoes

I have been digging up my potatoes this bank holiday. I had quite a few Desiree and some Cara. The latter are a particular favourite of the slugs and so the crop was not as good as I would like. Still, there are enough to keep me going through the winter.

I took them home and washed them before storing in paper bags in a dark shed.

I really like this part of the summer, harvesting the effort I have put in all year. The only trouble is now I have to find ways of eating it all. 🙂

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