Stunted but not Defeated.

Well, this year has been a disappointment to me with regard to the plot. The only thing I have done differently is not go up so often to water, yet it has been a harsh year to grow anything.

I know some of you are having a good year, or at least an OK year and have grown some reasonable crops.

However, where we are the plot is on the top of a rise, so it it exposed to the wind and rain more than others. There are no trees around it, fences, tall bushes or buildings in whose lee we would grow something.

No we have to forge on through wind and rain to protect our crops as best we can.

I went for a walk in the local countryside at the weekend and saw for myself just how bad it has been for the farmers in this area. I walked in wheat fields that were just a foot high! The plants that had grown had wet rot. In another field barley was laying flat on the ground – useless to man and beast. Even fields left for hay were flat and wet – no chance of bailing any of that.

We are in a sorry state and we will know it soon enough when food prices go up once the ‘forced’ produce from abroad has passed through and we need to rely on our own.

So here are some of my sorry specimens such as beetroot:
beetroot - click to enlarge

Pumpkin:pumpkin - click to enlarge


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