On Being Optimistic.

You have to be optimistic really, particularly in this weather.

Today I went up to the plot to see the damage done by the atrocious weather this week. I suppose I shouldn’t complain as I have not been flooded out like some and have not had my plot submerged and lost the lot. However, it is a little depressing that the garden and plot this year have taken such a battering.

As far as the plot goes there is really nothing to look at, so I didn’t bother taking a picture. However, the parsnips, sprouts, cauliflowers and onions have all done very well. They have grown and been pest free.

On the down side, the spinach has gone to seed as all the water has given it the spurt it didn’t need. It will recover, but it’s a shame. The runner beans have continued to grown and look good, if a little on the lean side. This is true of everyone else’s runners too. some are in a worse state than mine. The leeks are OK, but covered in weeds and I have been clearing them today. The beetroot are still there, but only just. I cant bear to mention the courgette and pumpkin as it pains me too much – I will photograph these when I can bring myself to do it.

On the up side, the corn has continued to grow despite the rain and looks quite healthy and thick – unlike other people’s which came on early. Their’s are starting to rot in all the wet.

No one else up the plot this weekend – they must all be on holiday to get some warm weather. They’ve probably given up on their plots as they are normally about most of the weekend.

I guess it’s just a case of bow to the weather and wait for it to feel like being a friend to the gardener again. for now I am weeding and waiting. At least my tomatoes are doing well with their daily soaking – for now.


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