
I’ve not been too lucky with the courgettes this year and we are still far away from any at the moment. As you saw a while ago the wind and rain was just destroying my poor courgette plants.

There was one that was clinging on to life for all it was worth and doing its best to weather the storm. Well here it is back in May:


Remember that was MAY!

Well here is the same plant yesterday:


Remember this is JULY!

There may be some fruit by August, but I am not overly hopeful. I am just amazed that it has hung on this long. My plot is on the side of a hill you see, and when its windy it sweeps up there and anything not used to being in a hurricane will suffer badly. The cucumbers also didn’t like it in the wind. Them I could bring indoors, but not the courgettes I’m afraid.

I’m keeping my eye on them and will let you know.


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