
I went up the plot this morning to see what the damage was and found it to be quite resilient to the wind and rain we’ve had this past week or so.

No more strawberries though, all gone. So I am letting the runners go wild and will lift some of them later on and add them to the existing plants.

I did have another look at the sprouts to see how they were doing and was amazed at the extent of growth.


As you can see I haven’t taken the nets off them yet (click it to enlarge the photo). It’s not essential to keep them on, but I have been so busy with weeding and putting other plants out that I have have not had the time to lift and roll the netting up. I may do it tomorrow if the weather holds up.

The forecast for tomorrow is sunny intervals and 1017 pressure with 41% humidity with west south westerly wind of 5mph. So it seems it may be possible to actually get up there again and do some more essential work.


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