Entries from July 2017 ↓

peony opening

I love coming back to see things growing bit by bit.


These have now gone from my garden, but they were wonderful for a time.

The New Leaf

This problem with the hosting site has given me the desire to start afresh with the site. I will leave the old links there for a while and may put the old photos back, but given there are over 1,000 images to replace it is a big job and I do not have the time at present. Perhaps in the future I will.

For the time being, the blocked image, image, is a sign of the lack of moral integrity of some company owners.

Looking for the Lost

Unfortunately my image hosting service has cut me off!

As a result there are no images on my site right now.

I will be back, but it might take a week or so.

Photobucket are muppets!