Entries from October 2015 ↓


This was a pleasant place to sit and while away the hours.


Dive Shack


Dive Shack



I had a rather unfortunate experience the other day when I was travelling with family on TAP Portugal airlines.

They had set a 20kg limit on baggage, there were two of us on the ticket. I had 21kg and the other bag was 18kg. Less than 40kg all told.

However, TAP would not let us on the flight until each bag was 20kg or under! Our total limit was 40kg, so why the fuss? No one at TAP could tell us, they just repeated it was the rules.

Talk about morons/sheep. No wonder it is close to bankruptcy as there is no creativity and common-sense in the company.

We had to mess about on the floor swapping things between the two cases in the airport. Pathetic really.

It couldn’t have been due to the feeble abilities of their baggage handlers as it was only 1kg out in a single bag, its ‘jobsworth-ness’.

I hope I never have the misfortune to travel with them again.

This was their reply to my request for an explanation:

“We refer to your contact with TAP Portugal, regarding your journey between London and Pico via Lisbon on the 3rd of August, which deserved our utmost attention.

We were most displeased to acknowledge that the quality of the service rendered by our Airline did not meet your expectations. Thus, your comments were immediately forwarded to the officer responsible for the concerned area.

The valuable information provided by our Customers, is undoubtedly, a very important contribution to help us to improve our services. Please rest assured that all efforts are constantly being undertaken to upgrade our standards and to meet the full expectations of our Clients.

We look forward to welcoming you soon on board a totally satisfactory TAP flight.

Yours truly,

Aeroporto de Lisboa, Edifício 25 – R/C Dtº

1704-801 Lisboa Portugal

Dias úteis 9h-18h

Working days 9h-18h”


I never did get a sensible answer. Their disregard for passengers/customers seems legion.

TAP, you are bottom of the list for customer service!

Walk To Shore

I thought it looked better in colour, less oppressive.


Long Walk Home


Shallow Port

This is the dive shop and where we tied up the boat.


Close to Home


Down Below The Waves


