Entries from July 2012 ↓

Tree Island

I love it when trees and water mix together.



Bees are so happy when they are poking their noses into flowers. I wish all of life was that pleasant, don’t you?



I can never resist taking pictures of dogs when I see them. They are always expressive in a way that other animals tend not to be.



I am sure some of us remember these for real, rather than as museum pieces. Washing was such a chore before the modern machine came in.



This is a picture of water moving, it is hard to see it I know, but I just loved the colours and the way it draws you in.



My ladybird/bug has seen better days, but I do so love to see it in the ‘summer’, if we ever have one.



I am always intrigued by nature that clings on for dear life despite there being no sensible reason for it being there. This tree was the only bit of life on the hillside and must have put up with a lot of stress in order to remain there and flourish. The wind whips through there at a fair old lick at times.




I would not quite call this a mountain, but it is quite high and takes a long time to climb. This picture is taken from very far away.



This sheep was too fast for the camera. It was running towards me at the time, which is odd as they usually run away from you.



Someone bought me these for my birthday. I could not think where to put them at first, then it dawned on me they could act as scarecrows to keep the birds off my seeds.

