Entries from February 2012 ↓


This is almost a distant memory at the moment. February has been a dark dull month again. I’m looking forward to getting out in the garden again to see how my bulbs are doing.






These look rather like ice cream cones with their snow tops on.


Container Garden

I bought some new containers for growing vegetables. They were reasonably priced and will mean no more bending as I have given up the plot this year as the soil was just to claggy to work properly. As you can see the snow filled them up so I will find out if they are good drainers. Smile



The poor old grass looked like it was drowning during the snow.


Snow prints

I couldn’t help but walk across the pristine snow and leave footprints; it’s what snow is for. 😉

snow prints snow prints

Snow Garden

We had snow as you know this past weekend. It is all but gone now, but while it was here it was nice. As a gardener I suppose I should be bothered about it, but at this time of the year it does my garden little harm and forces the slugs to wait.

snow snow