Entries from September 2009 ↓

Winding Down

It’s that time of year when most of the veg has grown and gone – well, to the store really so we can enjoy it later on.

So, today I have been grubbing up a line of strawberries that were encroaching on the plot next door. It’s also time to get rid of them as they only really last a couple of years before they stop fruiting as well as they could.

The weather has been really good which is a surprise for this late in September. However, I will take what I can get and have been out in the garden doing winter jobs as well. We have re-stained the garden furniture and scrubbed the fence of it’s weeds. This means that plenty of jobs have been done in good weather for a change.

That makes me happy.:)

Squash More

I thought I would take some more pictures of my squash. I cant for the life of me remember where I got these from or what they are called. If anyone knows then let me know. So far I have let them grow the size of a child’s head, but they will go bigger if I left them.

I’ve found they go particularly well with blue cheese in pasta or with carrot in soup.

The recipes are nothing fancy, just basic as the flavour doesn’t need too much extra. I tend to lightly roast the squash first to bring out the flavour and then add it to the rest of the ingredients.



Digging Up Potatoes

I have been digging up my potatoes this bank holiday. I had quite a few Desiree and some Cara. The latter are a particular favourite of the slugs and so the crop was not as good as I would like. Still, there are enough to keep me going through the winter.

I took them home and washed them before storing in paper bags in a dark shed.

I really like this part of the summer, harvesting the effort I have put in all year. The only trouble is now I have to find ways of eating it all. 🙂

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