Entries from October 2008 ↓

Happy Halloween.

I grew this on the plot. It is one of about 6 in all. I have started making soup and pies and chutney. It is going down a storm in the household and amongst friends.

Happy Halloween.


Just found a picture of Gunnera I took in the summer and thought I would share it with you.

Last ‘Rose’ of Summer.

Here are a couple of videos for the last of summer.

You can see the spinach is still good in places and the leeks of course.

The last thing you can see are the beans. They have finally gone over to the other side and are browning and drying out. Shame, but the summer must come to an end eventually.

You can see how windy it was today as well.

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This second video shows the rhubarb, or rather what’s left of it. It has now died back for the winter, so no more lovely fruit to add to my breakfast.
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Plot Shots

Here are a couple of vids of the plot taken this past weekend.

You can see that I have dug some of it over and have still to clear the rest, but as I am still getting produce from it, I don’t want to clear it all yet.

You can also see from them that my soil is not the finest tilth and it never will be, but I do try to get it finer. I don’t want to rotavate it as it kills worms and they are needed here.

Spot the pumpkin 😉

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Last of the Summer …… Time.

I went to the plot this weekend and completed some composting. I was surprised to see that the strawberries are having a second flush this late on. I don’t think they will come to much, but you never know. As you can see from the picture I already have formed strawberries, so they could ripen if we have some more sun.

The sprouts are coming on. I thought it was cabbage when my friend gave it to me, but obviously not.

I’m even still getting runner beans. They are not as stringy as you would assume, so I am harvesting and eating. Why not.

This is a swede that is going to make some good mash later in the week, along with a couple of courgettes – from the still growing plant. I realised I have to keep the courgettes under glass for longer before I plant out or they just die on the plot. I will do that from the start next year as this was the third or fourth attempt and I missed the early growing season.

I’m really pleased that I can still harvest my crops. Not a lot of other people are still doing that. They have all dug there plots over for the winter. I think they gave up this year as nothing seemed to grow for them – or me really. But somehow I managed to get a reasonable crop.