Entries from July 2008 ↓



No Show.

Well, there’s nothing to show you this week for a number of reasons. The two chief ones are that:

a) I lent my camera to someone for the weekend, so you cant see any pics as I haven’t taken any.
b) All I did today was weeding and that really isn’t worth looking at to be honest.

It’s been sunshine and showers all weekend, so I’ve been dodging them and decided to call it a day now. I’m home and about to go out for something to eat.

Hope your weekend was a good one?

Hanging Baskets (Update)

Here are some picks of the hanging baskets as promised to you in this post.

As you can see, the flowers have come on nicely and the geraniums are also building to a good show later in the month.

I will give you more pics as and when they happen.


A quick tour round the plot this weekend – when it was sunny, well, sort of for a while.

There are a selection of pics of the courgette and pumpkin and squash. I’m hoping that some of them will last this year. I have grown them on in pots this year and though it is a little late to plant the last of them out, I didn’t want to put all my plant in at once in case the rain destroyed them like last year.

The first few are of the beans, sweatpea and corn mix that I put together this year as I hoped they would help each other out in our increasingly wacky weather.

This last one is of the onions I planted earlier in the year. They have come along nicely and I may lift a few next week, but they are fine in the soil for the present and wont be harmed by being left there.

Lady’s Mantle


The Wet, the Windy and the Weathered.

It has been one of those weekends when you really wish you weren’t a gardener. The rain comes down, and down, and down and there is nothing you can do outside until it is too late.

It has rained practically all weekend which has meant I have bypassed the plot as I would just get covered in mud and you cant do anything in torrential rain.

Yesterday I had to go out to do a bit of shopping and got soaked just getting back to the car.

Still, today it has been a good excuse to stay in and watch the tennis, such as it is. It has been disrupted due to rain as well. There may be another bit of play today, the covers are coming off, but I don’t think it will settled tonight, unless one of them gives up.