Entries from April 2008 ↓


I decided to take some of my compost out this week. I have planting and re-potting to do.

As you can see it has come on nicely and is rich and going to give my seeds a good start. It is all peat free so that’s a bonus too.

It took a while to dig out as it was really compact in there. There were one or two big lumps, but nothing that wont continue to rot down, so I put it back in at the top and away we go again.


Here I am finishing off the planting and netting of my peas.

I put net round them as the pigeons round here are quite greedy when it comes to succulent greens.

As you can see the ground is quite wet and muddy. It has rained all day on and off in heavy bursts. I have been doing my best to dodge them. I’m also thoroughly cold as the wind whips across the allotments like a Siberian tiger tail. Brrrrr.

I noticed that BBC Gardener’s World have Joe Swift taking on an allotment this year. I also notice that his is flat. He also has a free! Yes, free scrape of the surface and free wood chips and compost! I must be living in another country as we get nothing free from our council. We’ve paid for everything, including the new gate and lock and some hard standing for cars.

Sometimes I wonder at TV and the way they make the rest of us feel like second class citizens. They should ask one of us to secretly film the reality of allotments.